Scoutmaster minutes 10-3-2017
Post date: Oct 4, 2017 3:58:49 AM
Congratulations to all of our young entrepreneurs as our troop has sold over $4000 worth of popcorn this year and we still have a few weeks left to sell. Remember even if we have run out of the popcorn, we can order if for delivery in Nov.
Also, thank you to all of the scouts who turned in their Election forms. You will be giving speeches next week and voting.
Tonight the scouts helped Isaiah with his Eagle Scout project by assembling bat boxes. With a little elbow grease and hard work, we were able to complete almost all of them. Some pictures have been posted here ( Next week, Isaiah has asked if the troop can help paint the boxes. For this, we will try to be outside (weather permitting). He will send out additional information about this later.
Finally, we have a few upcoming activities. I forgot to mention that Creek Sweep is coming up on Oct. 14. I will send out a survey to find out who is able to make it for that. I also sent out a survey for the Newport Aquarium day trip on Nov. 4th. The cost will be around $15 + food. Since it is a day trip, we are inviting families to come along. We will leave the church around 8 AM in the morning to spend the day there. Please respond to the survey so I know how many tickets to purchase.